
Prof. Dragan Primorac, predsjednik upravnog vijeća u intervju za Fair Observer

Prof. Primorac dao je intervju za američki časopis Fair Observer

San Francisco, February 27, 2019.

In this edition of The Interview, Fair Observer talks to Prof. Dragan Primorac https://www.fairobserver.com/…/croatia-education-science-e…/ , about his scholarly work, and his contributions to the advancement of science and education, personalised medicine and PGx, forensic science, his tenure as Croatia's Minister of Science, Education and Sports, St. Catherine’s Hospital (www.svkatarina.hr/en), ISABS 2019 Conference (www.isabs.net), etc..

Fair Observer is San Francisco-based online publication covering politics, culture, foreign relations and economics. Fair Observer is a partner of the United Nations Foundation. Senior Journalist Kourosh Ziabari so far have interviewed some 200 world leaders, politicians, diplomats, public intellectuals, academicians and Nobel Prize laureates on a variety of topics.


Intervju u cijelosti možete naći na sljedećem linku: Fair Observer

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