
Jadranka Primorac u intervju za “Skylounge” magazin

Jadranka Primorac u intervjuu za "Skylounge" magazin, službeni časopis na letovima u tzv. Zemljama zaljeva ( GCC countries) koje čine Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati, Saudijska Arabija, Oman, Kuvajt, Bahrein i Katar), promovira Hrvatsku i Specijalnu bolnicu Sv. Katarina kao top destinaciju medicinskog turizma. Također, časopis se dijeli HNWIs u zemljama zaljeva te drugim klijentima i partnerima.

"The market for medical tourism opened us new opportunities which exposed us to a whole new set of rules requiring a special mix of business knowledge and cultural sensitivity. It brought us patients, with higher demands, which we accept as a challenge and translate into opportunities for our growth and expertise.
Patient's safety and satisfaction are top priorities for our hospital, and we continually implement changes that results in significant improvements in the patient's care. Our employees play a remarkable role in creating patient's experience. We strongly believe and live by the motto that the patient's experience can never become something what the employee's experience is not already. Employees give to our Hospital their own personality and soul: because without them, we are only left with equipment and building. According to the answers from our own questionnaires, patients primarily emphasise that they feel safe in St. Catherine hospital. They also underline the trust of our work, its reliability, along with the quality of our work and the overall St. Catherine's reputation".


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